
Choosing the best MSP for your business

Technology underpins nearly every aspect of modern business processes. The problem is that managing technology can be complex and tedious. This is where managed IT services providers (MSPs) come in. Whether a company needs software to record customers’ data, network infrastructure management, or cloud technology, MSPs can provide these services and much more. MSPs defined […]

Distributed spam distraction hides illegal activities

As annoying as spam email is, it’s usually pretty harmless. But hackers have been using a method called distributed spam distraction (DSD) where spam email is used to carry out illegal activities. Learn more about DSD and how you can safeguard your systems against it. What is DSD? DSD is a type of attack wherein […]

Gmail hacks for busy workers

Gmail is a staple for businesses nowadays; all stakeholders, from investors to clients to suppliers, use Gmail to manage their email. But despite its ubiquity, many users — especially smaller enterprises — can stand to improve their Gmail experience. The following tips can make your Gmail usage faster, simpler, and better for your needs. Undo […]

3 Disaster recovery myths, debunked

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. But many business owners still cling to some DR myths that can safely be disregarded. Here are three of those myths, and the sooner you stop believing them, the better. Myth 1: Tape backups are the best DR solution […]

Your password may not be secure — update it now

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) once said that a good password consisted of three things: upper- and lowercase letter, numbers, and symbols. However, the NIST recently reversed its stance on good passwords. Here’s why and what they are now recommending. The problem The issue isn’t that the NIST advised people to create […]

Benefits of SaaS: What you should know

Technology continues to create more solutions that enable businesses to cut costs and improve efficiency. One of those solutions is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Learn more about what SaaS is, and how it benefits your business. What is SaaS and what makes it appealing? SaaS is a software delivery model that allows you, the user, to access […]

Unpleasant-looking website elements you need to fix

Making a beautiful website is not just about aesthetics. It’s also about giving your site visitors and customers a great user experience while they browse your products and services. This is especially important now that people spend way more time browsing and shopping online than ever before. To keep your site aesthetically appealing and easy […]

Fileless malware: The invisible threat

Scanning the files you download is not enough to detect malware these days. Hackers have found a clever way to get around antivirus and anti-malware software by using fileless malware. Since this malware is not as visible as traditional malware, it can infect your entire infrastructure without you even knowing. Let’s take a closer look […]

Does private browsing secure your data?

If you’re getting targeted with surprisingly relevant ads, there’s a chance your internet activity is being tracked and analyzed by market researchers. While this doesn’t bother most people, private browsing mode can offer you some protection against online marketers and data thieves. What is private browsing? Your web browser — whether it be Chrome, Edge, […]

Top tips for making your website look awesome

Like people, websites also need to be dressed for success. Here’s how you can make yours look impressive and have visitors eager to do business with you. Make a statement with professional photographs Before site visitors read what’s on your website, they assess it by checking out your images. A picture is indeed worth a […]